
Apartments for sale Nadodrze Wroclaw

The Nadodrze district, separated from the Old Town by the river, is famous for its austere style. The architecture of this part of Wrocław consists mainly of brick tenement houses from the 19th century, which are undergoing thorough modernization.

Nadodrze - flats for sale

Among the new investments being built in the Nadodrze district, Centreville and Zajezdnia, which owes its name to the historic tram depot, are worth mentioning. Administratively, the Nadodrze district also includes Kępa Mieszczańska, which is undergoing a real architectural revolution, as a result of which many modern, prestigious residential buildings were built.

Nadodrze - recreational areas

Residents of Nadodrze relax on green squares in the center, including Saint Maciej Square and Słowiański Park, offering family playgrounds and paddocks for pets. If you want to buy an attractive property in Nadodrze for your own needs or as an investment, please contact us.

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