
Apartments for Rent Old Town Wroclaw

Stare Miasto (Old Town)

Old Town together with mediaeval market square is one of the most representative district of Wroclaw. This district is a heart of the city which nickname is “the meeting place”.

Summary of rental market in Old Town

Apartments in Old Town are popular among people valuing the prestigious location and proximity to both historical, and business centers of Wroclaw. Apartments in the area are mostly rented by working business professionals, artists, and for a shorter time by tourists.

Prices are dependent on fit out standard and size. Among the available apartments in the offer of the Old Town, we usually find small and medium-sized apartments with one or two bedrooms, but there are also offers of large apartments that meet the needs of people looking for larger spaces for themselves

Property in Old Town

Property is largely limited to apartments found inside the city’s tenements, but in recent years there is a number of new investments which are the main focus of Hamilton May Real Estate Company.

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