
Apartments and houses for rent Wrocław, Biskupin


Regarded as one of the city’s most attractive suburbs, Biskupin was built as a modernist housing estate. Main points on the map of Biskupin are Hala Stulecia, a multimedia fountain park and ZOO together with the award-winning Afrykarium.

Summary of rental market in Biskupin

Biskupin impresses primarily with its picturesque areas, which is why it is indicated by many people as an ideal place to live. Properties for rent are popular, however there is a general shortage of supply of properties for rent and good rental offers tend to get snapped up quickly.

Property in Biskupin

Much of Biskupin’s property stock dates from the inter-war years when this area was first constructed. Dominated by detached, semi-detached and terraced homes, these smart dwellings feature red-tiled roofs and neatly-kept gardens that look especially fetching in the hazy half-light of dusk. New developments include Rezydencja Dąbie, a complex on the area’s south-eastern border and on the far eastern end of Biskupin, Bacciarellego 54.

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