
Wrocław University of Science and Technology - apartments for rent close to the campus

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology ­- apartments for rent

Get to know the characteristics of the location. Contact us and make an appointment to view apartments for rent in the vicinity of Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

WUST - characteristics

Wrocław University of Technology educates about 25,000 students, including over 1,500 people from abroad. The University of Technology is one of the biggest employer of Wrocław, using over 2,000 academic teachers. Students and lecturers use international exchange programs. Between the buildings of the campus, located on both sides of the river, runs the "Polinka" - one of the main attractions, not only of the University of Technology, but also of Wrocław.

WUST - real estate rental market

In the vicinity of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology campus, rental offers rotate very quickly due to the constant demand for an apartment for rent near the university. Popular rental locations near WUST are in the Śródmieście, Biskupin and Sępolno districts. It has been agreed for the owners to conclude a contract for a minimum of 12 months, but this period is negotiable. We invite you to contact our office - that will be an first step for rent an cosy apartment close to WUST.

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