
Properties for sale near Chopin's Airport

Chopin's Airport - warsaw Okecie

Chopin's Airport is the largest international airport in Poland, operating around 36% of all domestic and international tourists. The popular "Okecie" is the most modern airport in the country and it has many facilities for travellers. Chopin's Airport is located in the "Wlochy" district, 8 km from the city centre.

Apartments for entrepreneurs and travellers near Okecie Airport

Living near the airport has its strong advantages. It is an ideal choice for entrepreneurs and frequent travellers. It is worth noting that the presence of Okecie has an impact on the dynamic development of the road infrastructure in its vicinity. The facility can be easily reached by fast urban railway, public transport or car.

If you are interested in purchasing a property near Chopin's Airport, please feel free to contact our support.

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