
Residential Property Management

Hamilton Asset Managemant

Hamilton May would like to present Residential Property Management Service. We provide comfort for both – owners and tenants and are fully available to take care of all responsibilities which concern a property managed by us.

• Landlord representation

We are fully available and willing to help in case of every tenant need;

• Administration service

Property management team take responsibility for correspondence, middle of the night emergencies, administration meetings, transferring tenants into the property, piles of paperwork, etc.…

• Management of rental agreements

We work basing on professional lease agreements which are created to protect interest of property owners and tenants;

• Supervision of the real estate maintenance

Good maintenance and repairs keep tenants happy and preserve the value of your investment which make them a very important part of land-lording;

• Finance management

Management Team assumes responsibility for establishing and enforcing strict payment guidelines (including administration and utilities fees).

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