
Lett Kłobucka investment fully occupied - Hamilton Asset Management has completed the lease process



In mid-2022, the Scandinavian investment fund NREP established cooperation with Hamilton May in the field of renting 116 apartments in the Lett Kłobucka investment. The team of Hamilton Asset Management, dedicated to investment clients, just over two months after launching the lease of the investment at Kłobucka street announced the end of this process in early February. The lease process was very efficient and included the publication of offers, property presentations, verification of tenants and remote signing of contracts.

The unique PRS investment on the border of Mokotów and Ursynów offers customers a high standard of equipped, ready-to-live-in apartments. Tenants particularly appreciate the modern interior design in a climate of Scandinavian minimalism. The added value here is the location. The southern part of Mokotów offers numerous amenities and green surroundings.


All residents have already moved into the Lett Kłobucka investment. It is an international community which, based on the idea of a 15-minute city, was guided in the selection of real estate by the proximity of strategic points on the map - the airport, office buildings, commercial centers. Mokotów's extensive infrastructure is another on the list of amenities used by Lett Kłobucka's tenants.

“The success of the extremely quick completion of the Lett Kłobucka investment lease process is an example of the change that is taking place on the market. Renting is today the preferred form of using real estate. The high standard of the investment and the full equipment offered positively influenced the tenants' decision, who chose Lett Kłobucka over competing offers,” says Karolina Pajka-Miś, Operations Manager at Hamilton Asset Management. Soon, the Hamilton Asset Management team will start the lease of another investment - at Lazurowa Street.

More information at www.Lett.pl/en

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