
Van der Vorm Investment Fund acquires 119 apartments in Warsaw - brokered by Hamilton May



Van der Vorm Group, a prominent Dutch investment fund, has successfully completed the acquisition of 119 residential units located on Siennicka Street in Warsaw. The ready to use apartments are earmarked for long-term rental in the PRS sector. The transaction was brokered by Ilona Stanik and Sebastian Materko of Hamilton May Real Estate Company with legal oversight provided by the legal experts of KWKR Konieczny Wierzbicki and Partners law firm Marcin Wierzbicki and Łukasz Łanoszka. The acquisition represents a further milestone in Van der Vorm’s expansion in the Polish PRS sector to add to their portfolio of properties in Warsaw and Kraków, consisting predominantly of residential PRS and hotel use properties.

Margarethe van der Vorm, overseeing foreign investments on the Van der Vorm Group's management board, expressed enthusiasm about the latest acquisition: “The commercial residential rental market (PRS) in Poland is smaller compared to other European cities where we are active. We recognize a market where we can bring together a lot of our national and international experience to introduce a beautiful and profitable residential product. In Poland, we see a very promising market with a large, young, highly educated target group that is fully engaged in building a successful professional and life career. We offer them high-quality and fully furnished rental apartments in strategic locations in Warsaw and Krakow: within walking distance of the city center, vibrancy, and mobility. And the beauty is: there is still plenty of room for growth in Poland, in terms of space but also due to the strong Polish economy.”

René Voortmeijer (CCO of Van der Vorm Group) adds: "We now have a leading position in the commercial residential rental market in Poland. And we continue to invest and expand: we still see plenty of opportunities. We focus on strategic locations, close to the station, the university, and the city center. To further expand our portfolio, we continue to search and talk with partner companies and equity partners who share our ambitions." Margarethe van der Vorm is clear in the ambitions of the Van der Vorm Group: "We will always continue to build on the quality of our portfolio. And we want to offer our tenants more and more, in terms of living quality, sustainability, environment, and service. We do this in all our countries. Because one thing all our tenants have in common: they deserve all room for quality!"

The acquisition signifies the fifth in a series PRS transactions in the partnership between Hamilton May for Van Der Vorm, and the third one in Warsaw in representation by Ilona Stanik. Robert Watkins, CEO of Hamilton May, commented: “The acquisition is unique in the fact that Siennicka was one of a very small number of available standing assets in Warsaw’s residential market. Most PRS acquisitions are made in the early stages of the project with approximately a 2-3 year lead time, however, Siennicka will be ready for pre leasing within a matter of months, subject to the completion of the fitout works. It’s testament to our team that we could secure the purchase for Van der Vorm and help with their strategic expansion.”

Contributing to the success of Van der Vorm in Poland, the KWKR Konieczny Wierzbicki and Partners law firm, a longstanding advisor to the fund, played a crucial role in the recent transaction. The legal team provided comprehensive legal services and contributed to the preparation of necessary legal reports. "This interesting investment was unique for us, as it involved the purchase of an entire building that had already been constructed. This required detailed due diligence, including legal, tax and technical aspects. The transaction was characterised by a short time schedule, which required precise and efficient teamwork. Thanks to the commitment and cooperation of our entire law firm team, we were able to complete the transaction in accordance with the agreed plan, which certainly contributed to its success. We are proud of the results of our cooperation and pleased to have reached another milestone in our collaboration with Van der Vorm Group" - points out Marcin Wierzbicki, managing partner at KWKR Konieczny Wierzbicki and Partners law firm. He is echoed by Łukasz Łanoszka, leader of the real estate practice and partner at the law firm: “Participation in this transaction confirms the trust placed in us by institutional real estate clients, of which we are very proud. We look forward to further investments and the opportunity to provide our services to the rapidly growing real estate sector”, he adds.

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